On September 12, the people of the U.S. jumped into action in unprecedented numbers, giving billions of dollars to the Red Cross to support the relief efforts in New York and Washington, emptying their veins to such an extent that the Red Cross had to actually throw out blood, giving so much food to rescue workers that it was filtered to shelters and then given out on the street.
The Stardust Lanes would like to remind all you folks who feel that support now means flying a flag on your SUV and protesting the September 11 fund because it's giving checks to AIDS charities that while we all should be going on with our lives, that the ripples from the events of September 11 are just beginning, that September 11 was a ripple itself, that people still suffer, that they've always suffered. A part of our mission statement here at the Lanes is that, well, people die... trying to save the world is futile and disheartening and it really can't be done. We're probably doomed, but while the world starts spinning like a top towards oblivion, it really is a very nice thing when you can provide a little comfort for the other poor souls who spin along with us.
So with that in mind, we present our first annual holiday charity drop. Before you go back to your all-night posting sprees or your browsing of ancient news on the Geraldine Fibbers, please take a moment to examine the sites below. Note that there are only a few organizations on this page. Having a big wallowing ball of charities just filters attention away from the causes we're presenting. But this page will hopefully grow, and to that effect please write us with other charitable suggestions.
City Harvest. City Harvest's mission: they go to restaurants, stores, delis and other places where food is being discarded and otherwise wasted and they deliver it to the hungry of New York. And there are a lot of people needing food now besides the usual thousands of hungry. The WTC disaster left many jobless and homeless, shortly after a shaky economy was already bringing job cuts. There is a genuine crisis in NY. Donations to City Harvest allow them to keep up operating costs and to purchase food to supplement the food donated. And if you live in NYC, you can donate food, money or your time. City Harvest is part of America's Second Harvest, and since people are hungry everywhere, you may want to see take a look and see how you can help your own neighbors.
Community Food Bank of New Jersey. In New Jersey, the cost of living is 20% higher than the national average and earnings from a full-time minimum wage job are less than half what is needed for a family to meet basic expenses. So, surprise, the food bank of received 18% more emergency food requests this year than last year. This incredibly helpful site not only tells you how to donate, but they also tell you what raw materials and tools are needed to help the food bankers keep the food going to those who need it.
Afghan Women's Mission. This group works closely with RAWA to support long-term health, educational, and awareness-raising initiatives for Afghan women and girls. Donated money can be used to help rebuild Malalai Hospital which had once served 400 patients per day and which currently continues to help suffering Afghan refugees as well as those inside Afghanistan through their mobile medical units. You can also support schools for Afghan women and help toward Afghan emergency relief.
Gods Love We Deliver. Their mission is to improve the health and well-being of men, women and children living with HIV/AIDS by alleviating hunger and malnutrition. They prepare and deliver fresh, nutritious, high-quality meals to people living with HIV/AIDS who are unable to provide or prepare meals for themselves. They also provide HIV-specific nutrition education and counseling to our clients and other individuals living with HIV/AIDS, families affected by the epidemic, care providers and other service organizations. This year, with some people living in areas difficult to reach due to the disaster, the need for help is greater than it has been in the past.
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